Micropower Guard: Healthy Air and Big Savings
If you’re reading this blog at home — either on your phone, on your laptop, or seated at your desktop — take a deep breath.
Now with a lungful of air, we want to ask you: is the air in your home healthy? Is the air in your home clean? Is the air in your home safe?
Maybe yes and maybe no. The air in your home, like every home, is different. Yet the EPA estimates that average house’s air is between two and five time more polluted than the outside. In addition, the average family can generate several pounds of dust per day.
True and shocking. That dust and indoor air pollution can cause asthma and allergies — particularly in children according to the American Lung Association.
A second surprise: poor indoor air quality can actually cost you a bit of money, too.
Read on to learn more about indoor air quality, indoor air pollution, and MicroPower Guard the advanced solution to bring you cleanest, healthiest home home — without sacrificing an ounce of comfort!
Indoor Air Quality and Your Money
A majority of the dust you and your family create ends up in the air and eventually your ducts. It’s not hard to see how this might aggravate asthma and allergies. We’ll get to that in a minute.
Right now, it’s time to talk about saving money.
Since so much dust settles into your air ducts, pounds of dust every year infiltrate and clog your sensitive heating and cooling system.
This costs you money in three ways:
- The dust causes your system to lose energy efficiency, costing you more every month.
- The dust clogs up the arteries of your system meaning it may need maintenance to repair it — that isn’t free.
- Finally, the dust will eventually put extra wear & tear on your system causing it to break down early — causing you to spend thousands buying a new system earlier than you planned.
MicroPower Guard will make your vents, your HVAC, and your air so clean you could eat lunch off it.
Professional duct cleaning also can help with this.
Indoor Air Quality and Your Health
If constant indoor air pollution and dust can bring down a metal machine like your HVAC, just imagine how much damage it can do to your lungs and sinuses.
Long term exposure to poor indoor air quality has been proven to cause asthma and allergies in children.
Living with either of these chronic illnesses is manageable but breathing in polluted indoor air for hours of time, makes it nearly impossible. For people with allergies and asthma, polluted indoor air can put them in a constant state of flare-up.
On the other hand, spending the majority of your time in a healthy, filtered environment can significantly reduce those allergy and asthma triggers.
If you or a family member suffer from chronic allergies and asthma, talk to an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist about reducing allergy and asthma triggers at home.
Your Store-Bought Filter vs Indoor Air Pollution
You might feel a little skeptical right now. Besides, you know you have a filter in your duct system. You even change your filter from time to time and it’s downright filthy! Doesn’t mean that it’s doing a bang-up job?
Regrettably no — your average, store-bought filter only filters approximately 40-50% percent of dust and pollutants from the air. Less than 50%? That’s a fail on any test and a fail for clean air too!
That means about half — or more — of all air pollutants make it through your filters to make you sick and wreak havoc on your HVAC.
Why don’t people make better filters?
People do. But homeowners hate them. The more complete the filter, the more it blocks the flow of air, leaving your house feeling stuffy and miserable. Have you ever been in a museum, library or other stuffy building and felt like you could hardly breathe?
That’s the experience of a higher efficiency filter blocking air flow. Understandably, you wouldn’t want your house to feel like that.
Now let’s meet our innovative solution that will make your air clean and healthy – without making your air stuffy and miserable.
Introducing MicroPower Guard
How does MicroPower Guard Work?
The MicroPower Guard is installed in your current HVAC system.
An electrical current charges the MicroPower Guard, creating a magnetic field. The magnetic field polarizes both the MicroPower Guard pad and the harmful airborne particles. This creates a powerful attraction between the pad and the particles, permanently trapping dust particles.
All you need to do is simply replace the dirty filter pad every three months.
How effective is MicroPower Guard?
As you recall, the average air filter is rated at 40%-50% efficiency. That grade isn’t good enough to pass a test in school or to pass your test for clean air.
The MicroPower Guard is rated at 97% efficiency How clean is that? Well, a 97% is an A+ on a test. So the MicroPower Guard makes your air A+ clean.
Want to hear another qualification?
The MicroPower Guard blocks particles as small as .3 microns. How small is that? An average follicle of hair is 100 microns in diameter.
Does MicroPower Guard block air flow?
Not even a little bit. Using the power of electromagnetism, the MicroPower Guard pulls the pollutants right out of the air — without blocking the air itself.
MicroPower Guard: wrap-up
Does the A+ filtration of the MicroPower Guard grab your attention? The first step to getting truly healthy air is a no-pressure consultation with an expert One Hour Air technician.
Install a MicroPower Guard and you’ll know every deep breath you take is a clean healthy one.
Contact us for a consultation about the A+ clean air of the