Does the Placement of Your Thermostat Matter
Does the Placement of Your Thermostat Matter?
If you’re taking the big step up to a Smart thermostat, you may think about making a few changes in your setup. Does a new thermostat need a new location? Does the placement of your thermostat matter?
The answer is “yes.” Read on to learn more before you make any changes you’ll regret.
Why Thermostat Placement Matters
Your thermostat is the one device in your HVAC system that measures the home’s ambient temperature. Based on that reading, the thermostat makes decisions about whether to turn on the heat or air conditioning. In zoned systems or whole-home humidity control, it makes many decisions about climate control.
Because of this critical function, your thermostat needs to get accurate, average readings that reflect overall conditions.
If your thermostat is placed near heat-generating appliances or chilly drafts, it will make wrong decisions. This makes your home uncomfortable and costs you money.
Thermostat placement shortcut
The easiest way to decide where to place your new thermostat is to simply install it where the old one was. Your homebuilder determined the best location when the system was first installed.
However, if you’ve radically changed the layout or usage of your home, you may want to look for another location.
When to Change Thermostat Placement
If you’ve been in your home for many years, there may be reasons to change the location of the thermostat.
For example, if you’ve put on an addition to the home or converted a garage or Florida Room for more square footage, you may want to install it in a better location.
Empty nesters may find themselves using less of their home. If you’re not interested in adding zoning to reduce conditioned air to unused rooms, changing the location of the thermostat and closing off vents might be an option for increasing energy efficiency.
Proper Thermostat Placement
The guidelines for thermostat placement are pretty simple to follow:
Install in a location in the center of the most activity.
Choose an interior wall.
Place the thermostat at eye level for ease of use.
Ensure a clear Wi-Fil signal for Smart models.
Remember, if you’re adding a Smart thermostat, getting an accurate temperature and humidity reading is more important than access to the device. After all, you control it from your smartphone.
Locations to Avoid
Getting an accurate reading means you’ll need to avoid hot and cold spots when installing your new thermostat.
Avoid placing the device:
Near exterior doors and windows
Close to lamps, entertainment centers, or computer workstations
In kitchens, laundry rooms, or utility closets
Near HVAC vents or registers
Pinpoint with Perfection
If you think your thermostat may need a new location but aren’t sure how to perform the installation yourself, make an appointment with One Hour Air in Stuart. We’ll calculate the perfect location for your new thermostat that accommodates the current layout and traffic patterns in your home.