Beat the Summer Heat With These Cool Ideas
More sunshine and outdoor activities make summer welcoming, but with those perks come unpleasantly high temperatures and humidity levels in Missouri. You don’t have to suffer the whole season, though. There are ways for you to beat the heat in addition to running your air conditioning, so you can still enjoy your summer festivities.
5 Cool Ways To Beat the Summer Heat
- First, make sure your air conditioning is working properly. Even if it feels like it’s in perfect order, it may have minor issues that are making it work harder and raising your energy bill. Let us check out your AC, along with your thermostat, to ensure maximum efficiency and savings.
- Help your house stay cool by keeping the blinds and drapery closed. For bedrooms that get a lot of sun exposure, consider hanging blackout curtains. Also, try to use heat-producing appliances, such as the dishwasher, during the cooler evening or morning hours.
- Falling asleep is difficult when you’re too hot. Put a cold gel or rice pack under your sheets to chill your bed before you get in.
- Take a cold shower or bath instead of a hot one. If you have children, play water games outside with them for some simultaneous quality family time and practical heat management. Just be sure to have everyone wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat for protection from harmful UV rays.
- Drinking glass after glass of water isn’t the only way to stay hydrated. Load up on delicious produce with high water content, such as watermelon, strawberries, cucumbers, celery, and leafy greens. Eating these will improve your health, too.
Schedule Your Appointment
If you’re ready to cool down, start by scheduling your AC tune-up with One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning today. You can reach us at (417) 344-2571 or through our online form. Remember, we are always on time or you don’t pay a dime!