The summertime temperatures in Springfield, MO can be brutal when you consider heat indexes of over 100 degrees. If you’re looking for something to do with the kids during summer vacation, here are some great ideas.

Indoor Fun

Staying inside with the air conditioning keeps everyone comfortable. If you can’t go anywhere, you may need to get creative to keep the kids entertained. Make a mystery jar with ideas, such as build a fort, create a mural, work a puzzle and other activities that will give you 30 minutes or so of downtime. Pull one out after chores get done.

Springfield offers some great museums and indoor parks where you can keep cool, learn some history and enjoy each other’s company:

Get Outdoors

If you’re going to get outside, you’ll want to get away from the concrete jungle and into the great outdoors. The farther you can get from the highways, sidewalks and buildings, the cooler it will feel. Fortunately, Springfield has some wonderful outdoor parks where you can cool off:

Check Local Calendars

Look for special activities at the local library and museums for events that can break up the monotony of your daily routine. has a section on free attractions that won’t break your budget. Many movie houses offer special deals on summer viewing. You may need to do some research to find the activities that will keep your children busy, but it’s time well spent.

Contact us for air conditioning repair in Springfield, MO to keep your home comfortable during even the worst heat wave of summer.