Four Ways to Lower Your Heating Bill

It's finally time to turn off the AC and welcome cooler weather. But before you crank the thermostat, follow these simple steps to reduce the amount of energy your heating system requires! Energy savings lead to lower heating bills.

1. Cover Drafty Windows

Drapes are for more than decoration! Conventional draperies can reduce heat loss from a warm room up to 10%. Close all draperies at night, as well as draperies that don't receive sunlight during the daytime.

2. Turn Down the Temperature

Save money while you sleep! When you are asleep or away from your house, turn the thermostat down 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours to save approximately 10% a year on household heating and cooling bills. Today's technology makes it easy to set your temperature with a smart or programmable thermostat.

3. Seek Out Leaks

Drafty homes make your heating system work harder than it needs to. We've compiled a list of common air leak culprits – and what you can do to stop them.

  • Add caulk or weatherstripping to seal air leaks around leaky doors and windows.
  • Caulk and seal air leaks where plumbing, ducting, or electrical wiring comes through walls, floors, ceilings, and over cabinets.
  • Cover your kitchen exhaust fan to stop air leaks (when not in use).
  • Check your dryer vent to make sure accumulated lint is not blocking airflow (this is also a smart fire prevention step).
  • Keep the fireplace flue damper closed when not in use.

4. Give Your Heating System Some TLC

Be sure to replace your furnace or heat pump filters once a month to keep your heating system running smoothly.

Don't wait until winter. Schedule service for your heating system before cold, snowy climates are in full force. One Hour Air offers heating tune-up specials that run through the month of November.

Watch this video to see the type of labor-intensive work your HVAC contractor does to get your home ready for winter weather!


Contact One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® of Southeast Pennsylvania for an HVAC system tune-up and safety inspection. There's no better time to invest in a little peace of mind — your cold toes will thank you for it!