Our home has a little greenhouse off the back with a ceiling that peaks at just over sixteen feet and a sloped roof with an eleven-twelve pitch. A twelve-foot tree fits quite nicely, even though it's not always easy to navigate through the front door.

This Christmas will be different—smaller, I suppose, but still full of meaning. You see, my grandchildren are scattered all over this great big country, so this year’s gathering won’t be as substantial as years past. But it’s still Christmas, and we make the most of it.

Y’know, my grandchildren helped me hone my storytelling skills. I remember one Christmas many years ago, I was sitting in my old Paul Bunyan rocking chair when my grandson Jacob walked up and said, “Popo, tell us a story.”

So, I told the grandkids a story my uncle taught me when I was ten years old. It goes like this:

One fine morning in the middle of the night,

Two dead boys got up to fight.

Back to back they faced each other,

Drew their swords and shot each other.

Now, the deaf policeman heard the noise

And came and got the two dead boys.

Yes, I know it’s not exactly a heartwarming holiday tale, but it’s the first story I could think of.

When I finished, Jacob’s eyes were as big as saucers. He quietly turned to me and asked, “What’s the moral of that story?”

I told him... I didn’t know. To this day, I still don’t know! But what I do know is that my grandbabies hung on every word, and that tickled me down to my core.

But no story holds a candle to the most magnificent story of all... the one about a star, a manger, and a little baby who would change the world. That’s the real reason we come together at Christmas.

I guess you could call it a love story. And it’s my favorite story to tell. 

I love my grandkids. They bring me so much happiness. And nowadays, my great-grandchildren are filling my heart to the brim. I’m truly blessed.

I long for the day when all of my grandchildren can be together for Christmas under one roof. My roof.

Cherish your loved ones this Christmas, as I cherish mine.

Be well. Stay well. Thanks for readin'.

Francis Pass

P.S. – Merry Christmas from the Pass family.