This week, I’m thinking about America. 


I’ve said many times, to many people, in many places, that I want my country back. 


This week, I’m thinking about our independence... and the ink scratched on parchment that proclaimed our rights.


Our nation was built on the foundation of freedom. And yet, it seems like some of these rights are being taken away from us and many of our freedoms are being infringed upon. 


I'll tell you one freedom I'm going to take full advantage of... and that's the right to vote.


Outside our big yellow shop, we fly both an American flag and a P.O.W. flag. This week, I noticed the POW Flag needs to be replaced. With all the recent wind, rain, and storms, it’s taken a beating. But even though it’s tired and tattered, it still waves. 


I hope you're all flying your flag. Not just this week, but all month long. To me, the month of July celebrates all that we’ve fought for and everything that’s makes America America.


This week, we celebrate independence... and we remember the men and women who have fought and died so that we can enjoy the sweet freedom that we so often take for granted.


This week, we celebrate the U.S.A.’s 248th birthday. America may be a little tired and a bit tattered, too... but it’s not going anywhere. 


Sure, ours may not a perfect nation. But, by golly, if you know of one that's better, pack up and move there. 


I’m just thankful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to say that. 


Be well. Stay well. Thanks for readin’.


Francis Pass


P.S. - Happy Independence Day.