Pass It On is a new, bi-weekly peek inside the heart and mind of Francis Pass…


Click the play button to listen to Francis Pass tell this story.

As is our tradition, Patricia and I recently ventured over to Glen O. Jones Lake south of Equality to look at the leaves.

It was a cool Saturday. The leaves were turning color, which made the journey well worth the time. We watched as the breeze jostled them from the trees.

When we reached the top of the hill, we paid a visit to one of our favorite statues. It’s a bronze statue of Tecumseh, Shawnee warrior and chief. Before long, our conversation turned to Thanksgiving.

It made me start to think about the Pilgrims.

brown leaf with water droplets on it

Can you imagine how it must’ve been to board that rickety wooden ship and sail the ocean blue for sixty-six days?

The Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth, England on September 6th, 1620 on a boat about half the size of a basketball court with 122 men, women and children.

When they arrived, there were no hotels or motels. No restaurants. No taxis. Nothing.

brown leaf with water droplets on it

They were on their own.

Shelter would’ve been a priority. Food and water would be next. They had to fend for themselves in a place they knew absolutely nothing about.

These Pilgrims were not only adventurous, but also courageous. And they did it all for religious freedom.

Thank goodness they came to America, a place where freedom of religion can be practiced… no matter who or what you worship.

I am so thankful to have the freedom to go to the church of my choosing.

That’s what makes this country great. Freedom to choose and freedom to think. We don’t have to do or say whatever the king decrees.

brown leaf with water droplets on it

I thank the good Lord above that I was born in the land of the free. And I thank Him for guiding the Pilgrims ship safely to Plymouth Rock.

These were thoughts that were going through my head as Patricia and I watched the falling leaves with our good friend, Tecumseh.

Our little adventure to Glen O. Jones Lake sparked a grateful feeling in my heart. I hope it sparked one in yours too.

Be well. Stay well. Thanks for readin’…

Francis Pass

P.S. – Happy Thanksgiving, Pilgrim.

painting of pilgrims and indians