Let’s see….condenser, coils, air ducts, fan…these are most likely common terms associated with your air conditioning system with which you are familiar. Perhaps, you’ve even had an issue with one addressed by a professional in the past. However, with summer temperatures rising, there’s another critical maintenance component that our skilled technicians get service calls for often and if your unit is intermittently shutting off and on or acting sluggish, yours may be going bad!

We’re talking about the capacitor located in your AC unit’s motor. This device charges and starts the motor (think of the starter in your car engine), allowing the cooling cycle to being by initiating the fan blades’ movement when the unit is in operation. When a capacitor starts to wear down, there are several symptoms you may experience. 

8 Common Failing AC Capacitor Warning Signs:

  1. Not blowing cold air: If the air conditioner is running, but not cooling the air effectively, the capacitor may not be providing enough power to the compressor.
  2. Takes a long time to start, or not at all:  The unit struggles to start or it requires multiple attempts to be successful.  
  3. Humming noise: This may indicate that the motors are trying to start, but the capacitor is not providing enough power.
  4. Unit shuts down unexpectedly: The capacitor is unable to sustain the motor’s operation.
  5. Burning smell or leaking fluid: These two physical signs around the capacitor are strong indicators of failure.
  6. Physical changes: Visual indicators of any bulging, swelling, or leaks can confirm a capacitor is failing. 
  7. Increasing energy bills: If your system struggles to perform, it requires more energy and that will be reflected in your monthly bill. If you experience other symptoms on this list, check your last 3-4 months of statements and see if there’s been a slight increase in usage.
  8. Age of the system: On average, AC capacitors last up to 20 years with regular maintenance, but that lifespan also depends on environment, brand, and quality of materials used.

The signs of a failing capacitor mimic red flags of other potential issues your AC unit may be experiencing. In any case, early intervention will save you money, discomfort, and frustration! One easy call to your neighborhood One Hour Heating and Air service office is all it takes to ensure your unit is running safely and effectively this summer and for years to come. Our licensed and highly-skilled professionals will always work to find the most cost-effective solution possible. If larger repairs or a replacement unit is ever needed, we offer affordable and competitive financing options that will allow you to cool your home without breaking the bank.

Visit www.onehourac.com for our weekly and monthly specials. 

Call our 24/7 customer service line today (704) 703-4220.